Advance Family Dental Care
Illinois Mandatory School Dental Exams
Children's $49 Exam & XRay
Taking your children to the dentist has always been an important priority, but as of January 1, 2019, it’s also a law for Illinois residents. The Public Act 100-0829, which previously required children in kindergarten, second, and sixth grades to receive a dental exam before starting school, has been expanded to include students entering ninth grade as well.
If you have middle school age children, it’s important to understand exactly what this law requires. Advance Family Dental Care is here to make it as easy and affordable as possible for students in Naperville and Northbrook to receive their mandatory school dental exams.
What Is the Mandatory Dental Exam Law in Illinois?
The Illinois State Board of Education has taken measures to ensure that students receive adequate oral health care by mandating exams in kindergarten, second, sixth, and ninth grades. The law specifies that all students must have a dental exam performed by a licensed dentist and turn in a Proof of Dental Examination Form accordingly. Students in public, private, and parochial schools are all required to meet the conditions of this law.
As ISDS President Dr. Randall Markarian explained, “Every child deserves to enter school free of dental pain or problems.” When students don’t receive the dental care they need, tooth decay and dental disease threaten to diminish school performance and interfere with regular attendance.
Numerous studies demonstrate the serious impact of poor oral health on academic performance. Research shows that students with toothaches are nearly four times more likely to maintain a low grade point average. Only regular dental care and oral health education can help students avoid the systemic disease and compromised quality of life that dental disease creates.
$49 Exam and XRays Special at Advance Family Dental Care
Dr. Pirooz Zomorrodi and his compassionate team at Advance Family Dental Care now offer a $49 exam and xrays special to give families access to affordable dental care for their children.
Dr. Zomorrodi has been helping patients in Illinois since 1996 and his warm, welcoming staff is committed to helping children of all ages protect their healthy, happy smiles. Call (224) 724-8716 today to schedule your child’s $49 exam and xrays appointment. It’s a quick and affordable way to meet the requirements of the new mandatory dental exam law in Illinois.
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